Millions may benefit from Trump’s student loan plan proposal

A December 14 article of Forbes revealed millions of people struggling to repay their student loan debts are expected to benefit from the proposal of president-elect Donald Trump.

A month before the presidential election, Trump said in Ohio that student loan debts should not be a lifetime burden to people and students should not be subject to debt that is impossible to repay. Trump is proposing a limit on the monthly payments to 12.5 percent of the borrowers’ income. Any remaining debt of the borrower would be forgiven after paying monthly dues for 15 years. The government currently allows students pay their debts for 10 years, and repayment plans are offered to them if they experience hardships in settling their monthly dues.

The Birmingham attorneys at Greenway Bankruptcy Law, LLC are knowledgeable about the student loan law and want to assist individuals who are struggling to pay off their debt. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, we may be able to offer solutions to help you. Learn more about your options from us today by calling (205) 324-4000.

Paula GreenwayPaula Greenway

Paula Greenway is a native of Birmingham and has focused her practice on consumer bankruptcy since 1996. She is licensed to practice law in all jurisdictions throughout the State of Alabama. Paula has handled over 5,000 bankruptcy cases ranging in complexity throughout her career and prides herself on being able to come up with creative solutions to her clients’ financial issues.