Hostess restructures company in midst of bankruptcy

In the beginning of 2012, Hostess Brands Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The company needed assistance with its finances and sought the bankruptcy protection.

Now, months after filing, the company is considering laying off thousands of workers in order to become a successful business once again. Throughout the country, there are approximately 18,500 individuals who are employed through Hostess.

This week, those employees will be receiving official notices of a possible layoff in the company. These alerts are intended to inform the employees of a potential layoff and to give them enough time to prepare in case they do lose their jobs. The future of the company that is famous for the dessert food Twinkies is still uncertain as it goes through the reorganization process that is associated with Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Paula GreenwayPaula Greenway

Paula Greenway is a native of Birmingham and has focused her practice on consumer bankruptcy since 1996. She is licensed to practice law in all jurisdictions throughout the State of Alabama. Paula has handled over 5,000 bankruptcy cases ranging in complexity throughout her career and prides herself on being able to come up with creative solutions to her clients’ financial issues.